All relationships can be hard work, so it’s difficult to know when to call it quits. And there is never a shortage of advice from others. My friends kept telling me to jump ship for a long time but – I would just stay the course – thinking things could go back to the way ...Read More
Unless you’ve been living under a cinder block…you’ve seen, heard of, or have even taken a SoulCycle class. Or as I like to call it – spin on crack. Now, I never liked taking spin classes. It’s not my favorite workout “genre” if you will. But ever since I had a baby, I will pretty ...Read More
Alec Baldwin: In A New York Hate Of Mind
Schiavo: Thanks for meeting with me. Baldwin: Cocksucker. Schiavo: Excuse me? Baldwin: Fathead. Schiavo: Wait a second. You said in your New York magazine piece that it was ‘cocksucking motherfucker’. Now you’re going back to your original claim that you said ‘fathead’. Baldwin: No. I’m just calling you a fathead. A fatty fathead. Schiavo: Eat it, Baldwin. ...Read More
New Yorkers Hate Babies
As a New Yorker and a new mom, trust me, it’s true. Forget chivalry, there is just a complete lack of common courtesy. I can’t tell you how many times I struggle to get through the door of a Starbucks or wherever else with my stroller and people just stare at me, annoyed that I’m ...Read More
My Interview with Chris Christie
Schiavo: You’re pretty. Christie: Huh? Schiavo: I just thought starting off with a compliment would be nice. Let me try again. (Ahem). Governor Christie, you’re impressive. Christie: Okaaay…. Schiavo: No, really. I never knew it was possible to stand in Seaside Heights and Asbury Park at the same time to give a speech. You really ...Read More