My Interview with Chris Christie

Schiavo: You’re pretty. Christie: Huh? Schiavo: I just thought starting off with a compliment would be nice. Let me try again. (Ahem). Governor Christie, you’re impressive. Christie: Okaaay…. Schiavo: No, really. I never knew it was possible to stand in Seaside Heights and Asbury Park at the same time to give a speech. You really ...Read More

Paul Ryan: The CRYAN’ Game

I want proof that Kathy Wakile from The Real Housewives of NJ isn’t just Paul Ryan dressed in drag.  I mean, not that I would care either way. I think people should be free to be who they are – even if it entails sporting fake eyelashes and wearing tacky clothing.  Plus, I just wouldn’t ...Read More

Todd Akin: FAUXcreation

In the wake of Rep. Todd Akin’s insane remarks, everyone is focusing on the word ‘legitimate’.  Understandable.   But why isn’t anyone highlighting Mr. Akin’s complete lack of knowing the fundamentals of procreation.   In layman’s terms Todd, that means ‘how babies are made.’  I would like to meet these doctors that advised Rep. Akin of the ...Read More